Hyper Light Breaker: A Comprehensive Guide to Acquiring Medkits

If you're on a quest to discover the best methods for obtaining Medkits in Hyper Light Breaker, you're in the right place. This exhilarating adventure game places a significant emphasis on survival, and Medkits play a crucial role in sustaining your health during challenging explorations in the Overgrowth. Here, we'll discuss how to unlock Medkits, enhance your capacity, and collect the necessary resources for continuous healing throughout your journey. Let’s dive in!

Unlocking Medkits and Boosting Your Capacity

Initially, players do not have access to Medkits in Hyper Light Breaker. To unlock this vital resource, you will need to upgrade your Medkit Capacity. This upgrade requires a special item known as Golden Ration.

Golden Rations can be earned by completing various objectives throughout the game, including:

  • Collecting Prisms
  • Defeating minibosses and bosses
  • Fulfilling specific tasks in the Overgrowth

After completing a cycle, make your way to the Cursed Outpost and converse with Pherus Bit, the commander of the Breakers. Once you do this, navigate to the Mods/Skills section and locate the Medkit Capacity node. Spend a Golden Ration here to unlock the necessary upgrade.

Keep in mind that simply unlocking the Medkit upgrade does not ensure a Medkit for every run; you will need to actively gather resources.

Gathering MediGems: Your Key Component

MediGems are the essential items needed to craft Medkits once you’ve upgraded your capacity. These collectible plants are abundant throughout the Overgrowth and can be easily recognized by their vibrant whitish-yellow petals.

To collect MediGems:

  1. Be vigilant during your exploration to find these bright plants.
  2. Interact with them to pick them up, as they are vital for creating Medkits.

The crafting process requires three MediGems to forge one Medkit. You can also find Shrines scattered across the Overgrowth, where you can use 5 or 8 MediGems to replenish your Medkit supply.

Effective Management of Medkits and MediGems

Collecting MediGems serves another purpose, as they can heal you for a little amount whenever you pick them up. This means that even if you have not gathered enough for a full Medkit, every MediGem you collect contributes to your survival.

Planning for your subsequent run is crucial—if you fail to collect at least three MediGems before your character dies, you will start your next run without any Medkits. Always remain alert to gather these essential items so you can maintain a healthy stock of healing resources.


Understanding how to acquire Medkits in Hyper Light Breaker is crucial for survival in the perilous terrain of the Overgrowth. With each MediGem you collect and every Shrine you visit, you find yourself more prepared to combat formidable foes. The essence of thriving in Hyper Light Breaker hinges on your ability to utilize and manage your healing supplies efficiently—now that you have this knowledge, step into the game and put it into action!